Thursday, November 13, 2008

"Get Smart" Movie Review

Get Smart

This movie is a comedy about secret agents. I like Agent 99 best, because of her witty comments and skill at her job. However, she ends up falling for the main character, although she had sworn not to, and hated him at first. I guess having an idiot save your life can change a person. The main character’s awesome, too, though I forget his name. I think he was agent 34. Anyway, his personality's amazing. He says and does the funniest of things, yet he still manages to save the world in the end. He does act like a professional spy, too, yet manages to do it in a funny way. The plot was amazing, too. It was comedic, but with a good plot. That's rare in a movie, for it to be serious, yet funny at the same time. Most are either so funny that they become stupid or way too serious and dramatic. That's why I prefer books: they have just the right mix of everything, usually. Movies, however, tend to be just all action or drama or funny, without any balancing things added. That's why I loved "Get Smart:" it had a perfect balance. It made me laugh at some parts, cry on others. Plus the plot twist at the end was unexpected. Who thought the number one, friendliest agent would be the double agent? The characters didn't expect it, and neither did I. It really had an air of realistic-nests. The characters were crafted so well that you really though this had actually occurred, even though it's a bit of a far-fetched story. Or, maybe it isn't. Who knows what really goes on in government spy agencies, right? I only saw it one, a week ago at my friend's house, but I definitely would love to see it again. It's the first really good movie I’ve seen in a long time. My friend, brother, and his brother definitely seemed to like it as much as I did. Well, our brothers like basically any movie, but my friend has similar criticism of movies that I do, so he though that was nice and balanced, too. If I like a movie, he usually does too. That's what best friends are usually like, after all. I would definitely recommend "Get Smart" to anyone who asked me about it.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't seen Get Smart yet. In fact, I really didn't have much of an interest in it. Though, now that I've read your review, I'm most likely going to check it out. I know what you mean about most comedy movies being pretty dumb. It's like all of the witty humor and sarcastic jokes that made older movies so amazing just went out the door with our generation. -rolls eyes- But that's just my opinion, lol. Anyway, I liked your review and will be keeping up with your blog! See you in school! ^ ^
